Dr. R. Joyce Garay
Associate Professor
Office: 240 Garcia Center
R. Joyce Z. L. Garay carries lineage of the borderlands, an embodied history of a migratory route from the Mexican state of Chihuahua into Colorado (her birthplace) and through the states of Idaho, Utah, and Arizona. She came to New Mexico State University’s Department of English as a return to place, to original desert knowing. With a Ph.D. from Arizona State University’s English Department complemented by immersion in the interdisciplinarity of the Transborder Studies Department, she is a first-generation scholar and currently an associate professor in her nineteenth year of service and commitment. Her areas of teaching and research include the plurality of voices within U.S. literary and cultural production, with particular focus upon Chicanx, Latinx, Black, multiethnic, borderlands, and intersectional feminist traditions, innovations, and interventions. Dr. Garay directs Chicana/o Studies, regularly teaching the core courses: Introduction to Chicana/o Studies, CCST History, CCST Education, and CSST Genders and Sexualities. She also regularly teaches Borderlands and Ethnic Studies courses, for both undergraduate and graduate students.