Decolonial Research

Decolonial research breaks away from normalized Western/colonizing ways of knowledge production and moves beyond Western colonial norms of objectivity, neutrality, and generalization. Instead, decolonial research is based on anti-colonial knowledges and lived experiences from the borderlands, global south, and Indigenous peoples. Decolonial research approaches/methodologies are guided by relationality, deep trust, radical love, and desire for harmony. They aim to co-create a praxis of living an "Otherwise" beyond colonial logics and practices. These methodologies spring from border dwelling/thinking, epistemic disobedience, desire for communal life, love, and abundance. Potentially, decolonial research methodologies include land and place-based studies, analysis of colonial systems, research-based art/art-based research, and so much more!









Graduate Minor

We offer a pathway towards a Graduate Minor in Decolonial Research. The Graduate Minor comprises a series of three courses that guide students through all stages of their research project. These courses complement and extend beyond qualitative research approaches. As such, the Minor will guide students beyond current Western colonial research practices and toward socially transformative and decolonial research practices.


BEST 5110 – Decolonial Research I: Overview

BEST 5125 – Decolonial Research II: Methodologies

BEST 5135 – Decolonial Research III: Data Analysis and Publication


Please contact Dr.Manal Hamzeh